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Creating Meaningful Impact

The Summit is a private club of Christian business leaders. Our goal is to raise up the next generation of Christian entrepreneurs to have a profound, multi-generational impact on their communities and families. We create powerful experiences that form deep relationships, multiply our impact, and grow our faith.


Our Founding

For many years, we observed and admired how other faith-based businesspeople collaborate culturally and multi-generationally. In contrast, Christians seemed to lack these bonds. This formed the inspiration to create an organization of Christian businesspeople that would cultivate these deep relationships. This community could then be empowered to raise up a next generation of leaders to pursue the same goal.


On a hunting trip sponsored by a Christian non-profit, we were introduced to a Kansas City club called Arrived Outdoors. While not a Christian organization, Arrived Outdoors provided the template to build a community of like-minded, accomplished businessmen.


After visiting, we recognized that we had recently vacated office space that would provide an excellent home. Like Arrived Outdoors, this organization would build strong friendships through amazing experiences, but be faith-based and mission driven. From this, The Summit Outdoors was born... 

The Lodge

We have a state-of-the-art facility. Called The Lodge, it will be a private gathering space for members and their guests. The Lodge will serve as the hub for our community. 


 We provide access to once-in-a-lifetime Adventures. These ‘mountaintop moments’ bring us closer to God and each other. Through these adventures we will build deep, meaningful friendships and trust.

Summit Business Network

Mentorship Program

We translate relationships into productive action to invest in, and support, Christ-led, redemptive businesses. 

We have launched our Mentorship and Protégé program by partnering with organizations that minister to young, high potential leaders, pairing them with our members to actively grow the next generation of Christian entrepreneurs.

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